Sunday, October 30, 2011


Our little lapphund girl Lapinlumon Mustikka aka Lulu is a pretty dog being not only a junior world winner, but also having numerous CACs and best bitch wins despite her only being 2 years old.
However yesterday she proved she is much more than just a pretty dog. A herding test was arranged and we found it very interesting and decided to participate. And Lulu surprised us. We had the choice between sheep or cattle and I chose cattle as they are closer to reindeer which is the original work area of the breed. However I did have second thoughts when Lulu and I were let in a run with 4 big young bulls. They were BIG and Lulu suddenly seemed very very small. I was sure she would get scared. But she did not! She worked like she had been a herder all her life, rounding them up, gathering them, barking, going directly after their heads and not being scared at all. The trainer who was a proffesional trainer owning Australian cattledogs himself was impressed with her and said she was very promising and could make an excellent herding dog as she was very brave, but also very retained and not agressive towards the animals. She was firm and made them respect her, but didn´t bite or act uncontrolled at all. WAW! How great to experience that our breeding is not only beautiful dogs; they are actually also still capable of doing what they were ment to do and have a great character. Lulu had the time of her life and it is not the last time we tryed something like this. Her brother Lapinlumon Merirosvo participated with owner Martin and did very well too! Even if he was kicked by those big animals he just went on fearlesly. Below some photos of Lulu in action. We have some video clips too, just have to work out how to get them in here....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gjern spitz specialty show 8th of October 2011

30 lapinkoiras entered and even with so much competition we won litteraly every single class we entered. Thankyou so much to judge Anette Bystrup for liking our dogs so much.

First class was baby males and Lapinlumon Xensaatio continued his winning strike and won this class to later also win BOB-baby. Next class was baby bitches and here the sister Lapinlumon Xaana once again won as well and only saw herself beaten as BOS-baby to Tio. Jesper had one of his rare ocasions in the ring and is pictured below showing Xaana and I have Tio
Next class puppy males had no entry by us, but puppy females did and the winner of this class and BOB-puppy and of 4 was Lapinlumon Villatukko with owner Dorte Sletting. Well done!

Then it was time for the grown up classes. First junior males which was won by Lapinlumon Tahmatassu who even finised second best male and won yet another CAC even if he is not even one year old yet. Second in the class was Lapinlumon Pakkasukko. In open class males the winner was Lapinlumon Xavier and he won the res. CAC too, congratulations Tina and Allan. In championclass males the winner was Lapinlumon Elämänilo and he also again won best male and BOB. Second in the championclass males out of five was Lapinlumon Quunsäde.

Time for the bitches juniorbitch class was won by Lapinlumon Tähtikukka and open class bitches was won by Lapinlumon Namupala who even won the bitch CAC. Second in the open class bitches was Lapinlumon Quunloiste who won the res.CAC, congratulations Kenni and Maria. Pictured below is Namupala in the lineup

We were really really proud with an entry of 30 dogs to win BOB-baby, BOB-puppy, BOB, BOB-junior and BOB-breedersclass as well as both CACs and both reserv-CACs!!!!! Also so happy for our puppybuyers who did so well.
In the afternoon it was time for the BIS competitions. Xensaatio has only been shown twice before and won BIS1 both times, so he had something to live up to, but he did making it a third and winning BIS again!!!!! What a boy, he really can move this little guy. Picture below is by Spidshundeklubben.
In the BIS-puppy competition Dorte and Lapinlumon Villatukko won a great BIS4 picture below also by Spidshundeklubben.

Lapinlumon Tahmatassu won an impressive BIS3 junior out of a big group of juniors, again picture by spidshundeklubben

And finally our breeders class won BIS3 as well.
Needles to say we were over the moon when driving back home. And even more so a couple of days later when we checked the list for dog of the year and saw that #1 ALL BREEDS IS LAPINKOIRA LAPINLUMON ELÄMÄNILO with only one show left this year. The title has never been won by a lapinkoira before. Indeed, Ilolas is something special ;-)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Shows 2011

The year of 2011 has been a great show year for team Lapinlumon so far. We had lots of good results and there won´t be enough space to mention them all here.
But for a start we can talk about our boy Ilolas - Lapinlumon Elämänilo. He had 10 BOBs this year and is impossible to beat for top lapphund of the year 2011. He is even as we speak 2. on the list of being top winning dog of the year in the club for all the spitz breeds. In the summer he was the first Finnish lapphund for many years to get a groupl placement at an international allbreed show when he went BOG4 at Vejen int. and he had BIS placements at 3 out of the 4 specialty shows held this year so far. Indeed very well done! Beneath here he is pictured Best in show 3 at the spitz specialty in Bredsten in May 2011
and under here is him on the move

Not only Ilolas, but also his kids have been doing well at the shows. His daugther our own personal little favourit Lapinlumon Namupala has won 2 CACs this year and is now waiting to be 2 years old so she can get the last and the title. She also won best bitch and BOS under breed specialist Saara Sampakoski at the inofficial specialthy in August 2011. She is pictured here underneath winning one of her CACs

Another Ilolas daugther Lapinlumon Qumina started the year as a puppy and as such won several BIS placings. She went into juniorclass where she at once won 2 CACs in a row as well. Pretty well done. She is pictured here at one of her wins.

Not only Ilolas daugthers could do well, sons could too. Lapinlumon Nasti owbed by Jordie Holtman in Holland has done his fair deal of winning down there and is here pictured also still as a junior

Lapinlumon Pakkanen owned by Silke Hollje-Schumacher in Germany also won several CACs and BOB already from junior class

and his brown brother Lapinlumon Pakkasukko won the European junior winner 2011 title at the European winner show in Holland 2011. Photo below is taken at a show in Denmark

Lapinlumon Nuoskalumi cream boy owned by Cathy Pollack and lynn Drumm in USA has already won his American championtitle not even 2 years old yet

And then there are of course the young Ilolas puppies taking their first steps into great showresults. Young boy Lapinlumon Xensaatio has been shown twice this summer and both times he won BOB puppy and BIS1! That must be said to do it with style. We really looooove this little boy :-)

His sister, the brown little rascal has done just as well getting two BOB puppies, one BOS to her brother and one BIS2 puppy this summer. The photo below shows her attitude "here I come"!

But it is not only Ilolas and his lovely kids who did well this summer. Our gorgious girl with her charming tipped ears, Lapinlumon Kaunis Kamma had a great summer and finished her championtitle as well and is now Danish champion as well as Danish winner last year 2010. It has been a way there as every second judge thought her ears were wrong, but she did it with style when winning her CACs under Finnish judges and other Scandinavians. She will take a break from the showring now as we hope to try and get her first litter.

Also our young boy Halla aka Lapinlumon Tahmatassu has been doing really well. He took several BOB puppy placements at the beginning of the year and went into junior class winning two CACs already not even one year old yet. He is pictured beneath while still in puppy class

Our juniorworld winner from last year Lapinlumon Mustikka had a great spring too winning several CACs and best bitch placements, but she took a break for the summer as she was not old enough to fnish her champion title yet. Picture beneath shows her enjoy the summer holiday at home in the garden :-)

In Laponian herders our girl Lempi aka Lapinlumon Ensi-Lempi has been fantastic. Only from juniorclass this year she has won 7 CACs and BOBs and is also Copenhagen winner 2011! She is in the lead for Laponian herder of the year 2011. What a great result for this young girl here in two snapshots from some of this years shows. She is not easy to get a good photo from!

Lempi´s brother Lapinlumon Elämänvoitto has not done too bad either btw winning 4 CACs from the juniorclass as well. He is owned by Dorte Suwala.

In lagottos we had a great year too. Our young boy Max - Lapinlumon Maximillian - is living up to his name. He started the year as a puppy winning BOB puppy and being shortlisted among the final 6 for BIS out of 70 puppies. He went onto junior class where he won BOB and CAC at his very first official show! He did not really look back and has already this summer won 4 CACs not even one year old and he is in the lead for lagotto of the year 2011! Picture below is taken when he was just 9 months old.

Also lagotto girl Lotta, Lapinlumon Karlotta, had a nice spring finishing her championtitle and winning several best bitch placings.

And the brigth reader may have observed what we are already thrilled about. We are in the lead for dog of the year in Denmark in all 3 breeds 2011!!!!! WAW. Ilolas is leading in the lapinkoiras and he will be impossible to beat. Lempi is leading in the laponian herders and Max is leading in the lagottos. We are really proud. And the dogs mentioned here are by far all the Lapinlumons who did well during 2011 so far. Many more around the world had great achievements and we are always so proud of our great puppy buyers who do so much with their dogs.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Finally we have the time to make a blog again. This way we can better keep in touch with all of you out there, friends and puppy buyers and keep you all posted on new events in Kennel Lapinlumons life, show results etc.
Here is for a start a photo of our lovely Esther with a hopefully coming star, Lapinlumon Xaana who already has 3 best bitch puppy placings and one BIS2 this summer!