Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Sometimes in life you have to take a chance and dare to do something different.
As it became clear to us that we wanted to move and we could not find what we were looking for in Denmark we started searching across the border and found what should be the perfect place. We hope Sweden will welcome us and that our family will enjoy it there.
We start the travel tomorrow and don´t know when we will be up and running with mails and so on, but you can always write us on if it is urgent, our Danish mobile number is also still working

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!

So most of the year we have been in the lead of the competition for dog of the year in all our three breeds. However now after the last show this year it is official.
Lapinkoira: Lapinlumon Elämänilo
Lagotto: Lapinlumon Maximillian
Lapinporokoira: Lapinlumon Ensi-Lempi
all three bred, owned and shown by us are all dog of the year 2011 in Denmark in each their breed!
The "record" even made the frontpage of the Danish kennel club magazine hunden as you can see here:
(article in Danish)
We are PROUD PROUD PROUD and thankfull to all judges who thought so highly of our dogs.